Visual Field Testing
The Visual Field Test is a measurement of the peripheral or side vision. It is important in testing for eye diseases, such as glaucoma, retinal problems, and other problems such as brain tumors or damage from certain medications that can build up in the body. This test is also instrumental in showing visual improvement for medically necessary eyelid surgery.
Humphrey Visual Field
(Click to View)Humphrey Visual Field
This field test is a computerized threshold perimetry, which reports the sensitivity to light at a given location and converts it into patterns in shades of gray. Each time the patient sees a light a button is pushed and is documented by the computer. Normal areas appear white, and the shades become increasingly gray as sensitivity is reduced. Black indicates areas of total loss.
Goldman Visual Field
(Click to View)Goldman Visual Field
The patient is seated in front of a lighted screen set at certain levels with one eye patched. The technician moves a handle attached to a projector from outside the patient’s vision toward the center until the patient sees the light. The patient indicates seeing the light by pushing a button. The technician plots the point on the visual field results indicating where vision is present. This test is often used to show visual improvement with the eyelids taped and untaped for medically necessary eyelid surgery.
Visual Field Test: Features and Benefits
(Click to View)Visual Field Test: Features and Benefits
- Printout of each patient’s individual test results
- Pinpoints areas of abnormality and documents accordingly
- Detects and documents if the patient has any visual field abnormalities and to what degree
- Monitors any changes in the visual field from year to year
- Accurate mapping – identifies the nature and location of a disease.
Snead Eye Group – Visual Field Testing Services
Expertly Equipped
Our $1 million imaging system provides detection clarity, ensuring vision problems are identified and treated at the earliest stages.
Perfectly Precise
With the expertise of our eye doctors, we provide accurate, targeted treatment to preserve and enhance your vision.
Clearly Caring
It’s our mission to offer compassionate, personalized care. Your eye health is at the heart of everything we do.